Thursday, March 4, 2010

Routine is good, right?

Lynn and I have been blessed with two angels. One who sleeps through the night and one who is slowly getting there. It is interesting to watch Claire grow as she tries exert her independence, helps us change Laura's diaper, learns new words ("what happened?" is the latest phrase), and engages in conversations with us. She is changing fast. I can barely remember when she was Laura's age, but at least they could pass for twins if you look at their baby pictures. I was thinking about actual photographs from my childhood and how my mom would write on the back of them so we would know how was who. No longer.

Speaking of routine, I forgot how much I enjoy washing bottles and pump accessories. But at least I don't have to use them! Lynn is such a trooper only 49 more weeks to go. We already have 15oz in the freezer! Hopefully in another month Laura will be sleeping through the night, as will her parents. We both noticed that Laura is more of a crier than Claire, and she gets mad when she cries if you don't figure out why she is crying. But at this stage is only a handful of things that make her cry. Well, Uncle Larry and Auntie Char are visiting this weekend, because someone turns 2 on Saturday. I'll post some photos from the weekend.

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