Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What else do you do, Daddy?

Lynn is still out of town and I had a hockey game last night (we lost 3-2). So the girls had a sleepover at Luzma's. They were really excited. I sure missed them. Admittedly, I didn't miss being awaken at 6am by Claire asking how to spell "PBSKids.org"; nor did I miss changing Laura's diapers at 7am. I slept in this morning. Ok, Lynn woke me up at 7am via Skype. But by 7:10am I was back asleep. When I awoke, the first thing I saw was that it was light outside. I had no idea what time it was. I did have an 11am meeting at work, so I was sure I was safe time wise. It was 9:30am. A quick shower and I was at work by 10:30am.

Ok, back to the girls. So while I enjoy an evening to myself, I missed the girls. I made sure I got home today by 4:45pm so I could meet the girls as Luzma dropped them off. She said they were great and slept well last night. Now it was my turn to spend time with them. We played soccer in the driveway, they rode their bikes, and we all sat in one rocking chair on the front porch and talked. At 6:15 just before the girls got in their jammies, they played the bumbee dance (they run around naked in Laura's room and practice somersaults). Then into their matching jammies. Next came the Barnyard Dance, which we all did and Laura finished each sentence. At the end she wanted to "do one more promenade". Wow, promenade to me, was an adjective which described a deck on the Love Boat (my favorite scene is at 1:08 into the video).

Claire went down at 7:30pm. We read a Curious George story and then we talked for about 45 minutes about stuff. "Daddy, what else do you do besides make maps?" How long is the flight to Spain? Will I go there when I am older? Is Samantha (Nick and Kristi's daughter) my friend or Laura's? Will I always be 2 years older than Laura? If mommy is in Spain for work, why is Auntie Kim there too? (good question kid). On and on she went, asking many questions that were beyond her age. It reminded me of our friend PJ (we met in Italy, Taylor and Will's dad, weekend in the Blue Mountains, apple picking, etc.) who told me (with a beer in his hand), "I just had a debate with Claire and I think I lost."

Anyway, I had a most enjoyable evening with my angels. Mom comes home in 5 days.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don't act surprised...

Yeah, it's been nearly 2 months since the last posting. I wonder if there are any readers out there anymore. Let's see if I can remember what's been going on since January 1, 2012. Man, I haven't even posted any new photos! I wonder if I have taken any this year? Nope, a quick check of picasa reveals I haven't. Ok, so what's new?

Well, I started going back to the gym. I am not as dedicated as Lynn is (5am 4-5 mornings at week). Nope, I like to ease into my mornings. I get Claire to play with Laura when Laura wakes up, which buys me about 20 more minutes of sleep. I found this great app called myfitnesspal. While it doesn't exercise for you, it does keep me honest regarding my eating. Do you really need a peanut butter sandwich just before bed? Lynn looks phenomenal and has lost weight and my brother has lost at 25 pounds, so I need to keep up.

Laura is Laura. Some days are good, some are ok. It's a good thing she is so dimplicious or I would have given her away. We thought we cured her of hitting Claire, but it has returned. I suspect because Lynn is away in Spain this week (Lynn (to Mark): you're not coming, I'm going with Kim) and she misses her mom. Thank god for Luzma and Magen.

Claire started swimming lessons at the Y and we go every Saturday. A parent has to watch his/her kid. So Laura watches the iPad with me and I watch Claire, and Lynn works out. We also found a pre-K program for Claire starting in August. It is conveniently located near Luzma's house. Claire is excited to start school. I hope she won't be too bored when the teacher is working on colors with Claire's classmates and Claire asks "How do you spell fuchsia?"

Anyway, it's getting late and I promise to continue this update before Lynn comes home next weekend.