Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don't act surprised...

Yeah, it's been nearly 2 months since the last posting. I wonder if there are any readers out there anymore. Let's see if I can remember what's been going on since January 1, 2012. Man, I haven't even posted any new photos! I wonder if I have taken any this year? Nope, a quick check of picasa reveals I haven't. Ok, so what's new?

Well, I started going back to the gym. I am not as dedicated as Lynn is (5am 4-5 mornings at week). Nope, I like to ease into my mornings. I get Claire to play with Laura when Laura wakes up, which buys me about 20 more minutes of sleep. I found this great app called myfitnesspal. While it doesn't exercise for you, it does keep me honest regarding my eating. Do you really need a peanut butter sandwich just before bed? Lynn looks phenomenal and has lost weight and my brother has lost at 25 pounds, so I need to keep up.

Laura is Laura. Some days are good, some are ok. It's a good thing she is so dimplicious or I would have given her away. We thought we cured her of hitting Claire, but it has returned. I suspect because Lynn is away in Spain this week (Lynn (to Mark): you're not coming, I'm going with Kim) and she misses her mom. Thank god for Luzma and Magen.

Claire started swimming lessons at the Y and we go every Saturday. A parent has to watch his/her kid. So Laura watches the iPad with me and I watch Claire, and Lynn works out. We also found a pre-K program for Claire starting in August. It is conveniently located near Luzma's house. Claire is excited to start school. I hope she won't be too bored when the teacher is working on colors with Claire's classmates and Claire asks "How do you spell fuchsia?"

Anyway, it's getting late and I promise to continue this update before Lynn comes home next weekend.

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