Tuesday, March 9, 2010

our little "big girl"

well, claire had her two year visit to the dr. today. she was great in the waiting room, but as soon as they called her back, she lost it. she just clung to me (lynn) and cried and cried. she didn't want to be undressed, weighed, measured or even looked at by the nurses. thank goodness that the staff are used to this kind of behavior at 2yrs old (or so they tell me). claire did finally calm down for the dr. (can you say miracle worker!!). according to the dr., she is perfect. but of course, we already knew that :). she measure in at around 34in and weighed in at approximately 27lbs. i say around and approximately b/c she wouldn't stay still for the scale and we had to pin her down while she screamed and thrashed about to measure her length. i actually think the numbers are pretty close. these vitals put her right at the 55% mark for both height and weight. her head still measures on the small side (18.5 in and in the 36th percentile). guess it just goes to show you that size doesn't matter (when it comes to intelligence!).
all in all, claire is a really great kid. she is sweet and funny. when we got home, we played outside with carson for a while (he is 7mos older than claire). they had a good time and played really nicely together - sharing and taking turns with the golf clubs, etc. she is now napping and i suspect recovering from the "trauma" of the morning. laura, oblivious to all of this, is also napping.
as for me, i am off to finish compiling our tax documents to send to the tax preparer. good times.

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