Thursday, April 3, 2008

4 weeks and counting

Today is Claire's 4 week brithday. My, how our world has changed in only 28 days. At the pediatrician's office today, she weighed in at 7 pounds. That's an increase of 20 oz, or 26% of her body weight over the last 2 weeks. It's like me gaining 57 pounds in two weeks! We are still feeding her every 3 hours, but the doctor said once she is in the 8-9 lbs. range, we can let her sleep through the night. So, naturally we are doubling her intake to hit this magical threshold. I am sure it is more magical for us than her.

We are getting into a routine with her feeding. As you can see, here I am taking good care of my little girl. Hey, you have to sleep when you can. On this day, the two of us napped for 5 hours. She doesn't sleep as much as she use to, as she nears her due date of April 9.
Until the next posting, we will be in dreamland.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

She is more beautiful than the last time I saw her - what, a whole week ago?
