Lola is still here for another couple of days and I know she too enjoys spending time with Claire, though she wants me to shower every time I pick up Claire. I know she means well, but I showered on Tuesday.
Yesterday we took Claire to the pediatrician, where for $15 they told us she weighs 8 lbs. But more importantly and pricelessly (is that a word?), the doctor said we could let Claire sleep through the night! However, if you recall from earlier postings, I noted how much Claire sleeps. Well, now she sleeps for 2-3 hour stretches and then wakes up crying to be fed. So the whole sleeping through the night thing is a not going to happen for a while.
Claire is slowly becoming more interested (and interesting) by her surroundings. Everyone says just wait until she smiles. I found a list of things I could do until then. I got point #2 down pat, as I play that game with Caesar, though he is not overly fond of the windshield wiper verse. Ok, while she may not be as "interesting" as a newborn, I am fascinated by her and can watch her make faces all day long. But I am grateful too, that she is not starting to crawl or walk, as our house is anything but kid/baby proof. We got a few months to work on that.
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