Sunday, June 3, 2012

Instant Karma

Poor Claire woke up sick this morning, running a fever (101F) and vomiting. We gave her some Tylenol and spent a low key day at home. Around 4:30pm her fever was up again (104F) and she was sitting with Lynn downstairs in the living room. We gave her more Tylenol. Laura walks over and asks "what's wrong with Claire?" Laura was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Claire sits ups and projectile vomits all over Laura. It's in/on Laura's hair, shirt, arms, shorts, and legs. Laura has a look of utter shock on her face as she cries, "What is this?" repeatedly. Being very concerned parents we immediately start laughing. Lynn tells Claire not to worry, but to think of it as pay back for all the times Laura has hit Claire. As soon as Lynn tells Claire this, Claire projectile vomits again on Laura (Laura needs quicker reflexes) and this time on Lynn's dress. Lynn was getting ready to go to the Canadian Consulate tonight for a function. Instant karma.

1 comment:

Laura Riddle said...

Awww, poor babies!!! Hope everyone feels better soon - and works on their reflexes. ;)