Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Guess who's starting to walk...

Yup, the bear took 4 steps (unaided) on 3 separate ocassions today. Of course, everytime I got the video camera she wouldn't walk or would sit down. And the slightest of breezes would suffice to knock her over. But she's trying. Suddenly her range is increasing and we'll have to be more diligent about baby proofing - ok, we'll have to start baby proofing the house. Here's a video of her kind of walking - more so in her mother's mind.


Blocking Carpool said...

Claire walked to me tonight! It was so great!!!

Coach Patterson said...

that is such a cool clip. i can't wait to see more of her first days of walking. i will check tomorrow. Claire kind of looked like me walking on the weekend.