Saturday, November 1, 2008

A day of firsts...

Happy Halloween! Claire celebrated her first Halloween yesterday with the neighbors. We had a chili cook out in the cul-de-sac last night and Claire was there in her Mermaid outfit. Her is a picture of Claire with our neighbor Ann, who made the costume for Claire and sometimes babysits for us. Unfortunately for Claire, she could not stay awake until the older kids went trick or treating - so no candy for her. Speaking of candy, we had about 50 kids come to the house and Lynn bought enough candy for 500. So we are set for Halloween until 2015.

Another first for Claire, was she is starting to crawl - not doing the worm thing. Grammy and Grampy witnessed the event on Skype. Her world has suddenly increased in size and the dogs are not longer safe. She loves to "chase" Kayla around the media room. Claire is such a delight. We've upped her feedings of solid food to 3x a day. She loves chicken, sweet potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, watermelon, mango, rice, oats, barley, hops (oh wait, that's me). The only things she doesn't care for thus far is fresh avocado.

Another first, is we finally lost and then found the remote control. I was getting tired of watching the same channel every time (Discovery channel if you were wondering). It somehow worked its way into the laundry basket and since Lynn only does laundry on the weekends, it was a long week.

Finally, it looks like the grueling 3-day has caught up with Lynn. Her back is in a lot of pain and simple things like doing the laundry, washing the dishes, and vacuuming are difficult. I guess I will be pulling double duty this weekend. She is taking Tramadol for the pain - yes, the same medication we gave to Kayla when she had surgery. If you look at the pill bottle, it says on it, Patterson, Kayla - the dog.

Anyway, I have posted some new photos here. Enjoy.

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