Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still counting down

There is not much news to report except we are still counting down to when Claire starts crawling and when she gets her first tooth. When the bear tries to crawl, she looks like she is doing the worm.While highly inefficient, she still gets around and you can't leave her unattended for a second. She is beginning to show signs of teething (rosy cheeks, excessive drool, chewing on things). The literature says that some babies teethe without having any signs of crankiness or sleeplessness - our fingers are crossed.

Claire's awareness of others and herself grows each day. Here she is kissing herself in the mirror. When she is not busy admiring herself, she definitely knows when I leave the room. I'll put her in her jumperoo and after a while she realizes she can't see me, she bounces up and down like a mad woman and yells. And when mom comes into the room, the bear is all smiles.

Until the next posting, keep the windex handy.

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