Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Heed this warning!!!

Yesterday my hard drive died. This blog and accompanying photos on the Picasa website, are all that I have left from 1000s of photos and videos of Claire. Please, please, please take a moment and backup your files (because I know you don't) and then make backups regularly. You can get a cheap external hard drive for less than $200. Recovering data from a dead hard drive costs well over a $1000 if you have a professional do it - more than the price of the computer itself!

On the bright side, Claire is doing very well. She is almost 2 feet tall. In addition we can see that she is increasingly becoming more aware of her environment, focusing on things near her. Her favorite attention grabber is a video of Cat in the Hat, narrated by Uncle Larry. When she is not watching the video or sleeping, she usually has a big smile for mom and me.

Yesterday I was the lucky winner of the weekly diaper blow out, which Lynn and I refer to simpy as "Kaboom". Since she turned 3 months last week, she now sleeps in her own room, instead of the bassinette we had beside our bed. Now, in the middle of the night, all I hear is the hissing/humming of the baby monitor. Fortunately Lynn still hears Claire crying.
Until the next post, make sure you back up your hard drive.

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