Saturday, March 8, 2008

day 3...

I think Lynn has cabin fever. She is going around the hospital room, taking anything and everything that is not nailed down and packing it to go home. Why not, we paid for it, is her rationale. I am not sure what we are going to do with 5000 latex gloves and an EKG machine. We are due to be discharged at 6pm this evening.

Both Claire and mom are learning the art of breast feeding. It's actually quite rewarding for mom when Claire latches on starts feeding. Claire is usually sound asleep after 5 sucks, so half the battle is keeping her awake. She is down to 5 lbs, 5 oz, so every bit of colostrum helps. I am attending to diaper duty. So far, so good (I think I just jinxed myself). I remember thinking to myself that I would keep track of how many diapers I would change. Well, it's day 3 and I have already lost track.

I wish you could see her right now. She a little burrito. A little perfect burrito. A little sleeping perfect burrito. And on that note, I am going to try to get some sleep too.

One last thing. I have been posting photos here (no links to TVs, I promise) and have been adding photos too. Check back often.

1 comment:

Serena said...

Congratulations Lynn & Mark!! Claire is just beautiful! I hope you're enjoying your first day at home as a little family!
Serena & Mike in Dallas