we have had quite a busy week. this weekend was our anniversary and mark treated me to an exquisite day - a scheduled (!) massage and dinner out. it was almost like mother's day.
the girls have been absolutely delightful. claire is now singing all sorts of songs - abc, frere jacques, row row row your boat, twinkle twinkle, and her all time favorite, happy birthday to you. she can count to 10 quite regularly, and once when mark asked her to count to 10, she replied, "11, 12, 13, 14!"it was so funny.
she has also taken to calling her father, "mark" when he exasperates her. like yesterday when he threw a ball at her (note: not to her), she said, "mah-ark!" hmm. wonder where she learned that one :). and, "don't do that, mark!" is another favorite when he is bugging her.
laura has been a doll. she is sleeping 12 hours continuously at night. she is still working on regulating her naps. but, she is a smiling, cooing delight.
i swear laura grew an inch the other night. she is growing so quickly and filling out so nicely. hooray for liquid gold!
i am really looking forward to this summer and fall when i get to spend more time with the girls without worrying about finding time to work. this time really does go by so quickly.